
In the years that we’ve seen bro culture grow and thrive, many new words have found their way into bro-speak. But you need to be careful when you’re trying to use them: you can’t just tack the syllable “bro” to the beginning of any random word and assume you’ll sound cool when you say it. Too many wannabes have learned this the hard way.

Thanks to field research, we’re able to give you a list of words that have gained acceptance with the bro species, along with their definitions.

bro chick (or bro ho): A woman who frequently hangs out with multiple bros, often with the goal of seducing as many of them as possible.

brofessional: A bro who has entered the work force. Although he wears a suit and tie on weekdays from 9 to 5, he behaves like a typical bro at other times.

brodeo: A sizable gathering of bros.

bromantic circle: A group of bros, all of whom are close friends with one another.

bro out: To hang out with one or more other bros, engaging in well-recognized bro activities.

The list of words below are a bit more questionable, but I’m including them mostly because I like them. Time will tell if the bro community widely adopts any of them.

brochacho: A muchacho who is also a bro.

brodacious: The masculine version of bodacious

brohemian: An artsy bro, likely a vegetarian and possibly a 420er.

Remember, bro-speak is always evolving, so there will definitely be more brocabulary updates in the future. Keep following us!


