Using “no homo” in a bromance

The phrase “no homo” is not homophobic, despite what you might have heard. Some people have misinterpreted it to mean that it somehow shows opposition to gays or to homosexuality. It doesn’t.

To put it simply, a guy says “no homo” right after making a statement he thinks has a gay subtext. All it means is that “I wasn’t implying anything gay.” Think of it as analogous to saying “no pun intended.”


  • Dude, you look good in those jeans. No homo.
  • I like going to musicals once in a while. No homo.
  • I’m in favor of recognizing same-sex marriages. No homo.

This guy in the video gets it. He gives some more do’s and don’ts when it comes to this phrase. (No pun intended with my use of “comes.” And no homo, of course.)

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