A Woman who Gets It

The article I’m quoting here, Myths of the Man Date, is written by a married woman who seems to be devoutly religious. Not the sort of words you might expect to hear from somebody like this, but I give her major kudos for them:

While it is true that many men like to watch sports together, not all do.  Beside that, there is a need in men to have close relationships with other men.  They may not have the same drive, pull and emotional connection that we tend to with our girlfriends, but that in no way diminishes their need for male friendships. … Men understand each other’s stresses and joy.  Men do need each other and we as wives can help to encourage that! …We all know that sometimes we really need to talk to our friends and share.  Other times we just want to hang out, laugh and have fun.  Men do this too!
