Bromance Breakup

There’s no question that it sucks when a bromance ends. You can feel it in the pit of your stomach, regardless of whether your bro dumped you or you dumped him (both are equally bad).

How you respond to this change in your social life will affect your future happiness, so here are some tips for coping with the transition:

  • Don’t put off closure. If anything around the house reminds you of your ex-bro, hide it or get rid of it. Do not see or speak to him for at least a few weeks. Even if you hope that something can be changed, or that you can talk your old bro into trying it again, it’s better to let a little time pass first.
  • Do whatever you can to de-stress and get happy. Going out with your family or other friends can be a nice break.
  • Consider writing about how you feel. Don’t blog, of course: just write for yourself. Venting your negative feelings on-screen or on paper is good therapy, and can become helpful advice for your future friendships.

Remember, though, that it can take time to get over the end of any close friendship, so here’s some food for thought about how to handle the long term:

  • Take care of yourself physically. Keep up your good eating habits, your exercise routine, and your sleep schedule.
  • Talk to family members and other friends, if they’re willing to listen. You might be surprised at how helpful their comfort can be.
  • Stay busy. Don’t get behind in your job or your studies.
  • It’s normal to feel like crying, and it’s normal to cry occasionally, even for guys. If you need to let it out, find somewhere private, by yourself, and do it.
  • Stay social. There’s no better way to forget your problems than by meeting new people.
  • If you have a day where you feel numb, and don’t want to do anything at all, that’s normal. But if you have a string of 3 or more such days, you could be heading for clinical depression. This is a genuine medical problem, and you
    You need a reputable psychiatrist to help you nip it in the bud.

Finally, and most importantly, be positive about yourself. Think about all the great talents, abilities, and skills you have. You are an amazing dude, and other people will notice that, if you give them the chance.
