Come blog with me


Did you know that you have a blog on the seekBromance site? You can also make comments in other members’ blogs (if the owner has allowed it). Even the popular dating sites don’t usually provide anything like this, but you guys deserve something more. The seekBromance site can do more than just show you pictures of guys you might want to be friends with. It supports a community of bros, too.

Once your bro-file gets approved, any member will be able to see what you put on your blog. The process is simple:

First, after you log in, click on the “Blog” link in the members’ menu, circled below.


You’ll see a blog control panel that resembles the one in this figure. In the beginning, of course, it won’t show any entries. You can start creating posts right away, or you can customize your blog title, comments, email alerts, and other settings.


Blog about your bromancing, your hobbies, current events, or basically anything else you want. There are only two rules you have to follow:

1)   Blog entries and comments have the same restrictions as bro-files. You can’t post anything that personally identifies you.

2)   When commenting on someone else’s blog, treat them with respect. It’s cool if you disagree with them, but you have to do it politely.

Have fun, dudes!
