All New from Bro HQ


Hey, bros!

Remember the last time you moved to a new place? There you were, all ready to chill, but you were surprised by extra problems. Maybe the cable didn’t get turned on as planned. Maybe there was a water pressure situation. Or maybe the last dude who lived there smoked something you don’t like.

It’s pretty much the same when you’re moving a large, complex website from one piece of hardware to another. Our hosting vendor is now using a newer, improved server, but some minor things got broken during the move, which is why the main site was down for a while. Now, of course, it’s all good. Hopefully you’ll be able to see some improvement in our speed.

On to better news. If you haven’t created your bro-file yet, this is a great time to give it a try, because the bro-file form has just become a lot friendlier. For one thing, it no longer has every field marked as required. (You can tell the required ones from the little star (*) next to them, like everyone else does.) All the questions about appearance, race, and religion now default to “I’d rather not say” unless you give a specific answer from the drop-down menus. The question about your favorite type of food now defaults to “I’ll eat whatever.”

By the way, it’s better to specify as much as you can about yourself, if it doesn’t make you too uneasy. The more the other members know about you, the better your chances of finding someone who’s a compatible friend.

-The Blog Dude
