Hashtags Are for Douchebags



Hey dudes,

Let’s face it: the odds are overwhelming that your best bro doesn’t #use #hashtags #like #this #every #time #he #tweets. In fact, he probably doesn’t use hashtags at all. (If he does this kind of stuff, chances are he doesn’t spend enough time with you to deserve to be called your “best bro” in the first place.)

By the way, I’m just talking about Twitter for personal use, here. If you’re an entrepreneur who uses Twitter for business, that’s a totally different ball game. After all, Twitter is a free marketing vehicle, and if you have the right customer demographic – and run your Twitter campaign properly – it can add a ton of value to your business. But, as I said, that’s not what this article is about.

When you start down the path to become a heavy Twitter user (as an individual, not a business) the sad fact is that the path just isn’t healthy. Reason being, it creates an illusion for you. You think that you’re popular as you accumulate a bunch of followers, but those followers do nothing to make you any cooler. (Read The Bromance Book if you want advice on how to make yourself more cool.) All that happens is that the time you should be spending in the real world ends up getting sucked into Twitter instead.

Think about it: when something big happens in your life, or in the life of one of your close friends, you should be there for it instead of tweeting about it like some creepy voyeur, right? Sure, obviously. Which is exactly why you should limit your Twitter time to the occasional few minutes when you’re waiting on line to get into the nightclub or to get your groceries. Spare time should be for texting your bros, not the twittersphere.

-The Blog Dude

