Making the seekBromance Blog a Better Place

Hey bros,

I’m adding a new feature and a new type of content for your convenience and your enlightenment.

First, the seekBromance blog posts have now been assigned categories, making it easier for you to find the posts about stuff you actually want to read when you get here. The new categories are:

  • Reviews of Bro Gear – more about this below
  • Site News – what’s happening with both this blog and the main site
  • Tips and Tricks – all about finding bros and being a better bro

A few posts that don’t fit easily into any of the above are still marked as “uncategorized,” but you can still search for them as a group, in addition to all the categories above.

Now for the second part of the announcement: the Reviews of Bro Gear.

This post category will look at products that a bro often buys, and we’ll offer our editorial opinions about which ones have the best quality, most value for the price, and similar info that you’ll find when you’re looking for online reviews.

If you hate reading this kind of thing, don’t panic! There will still be plenty of posts in the news and in the Tips and Tricks category, I promise. But let’s face it, dude: we’re all in the market for something at one time or another. And it’s nice to have opinions from a community you already know.

May the fourth be with you!

-The Blog Dude

New Video Tutorial for Using Your seekBromance Blog

Hi bros,

In the past, I’ve written some articles about the blog feature in, where you  can post entries and comment on other members’ posts. (You can access the blog features from the apps, too.)

Some people, of course, are more comfortable with learning by example (and there’s nothing wrong with that). For you guys, I’ve now prepared the following video:

Happy blogging!

-The Blog Dude

Help the Bro-prietor Out

Hey dudes,

From the time seekBromance began, I swore that I would never publish a request like this. Of course, nobody ever expected a set of events like these.

You’re probably familiar with all the social conditioning that most boys get, that we’re supposed to be big, tough, self-sufficient MEN who never ask for help with anything. And this social conditioning affected me, too, back in the day, but now I understand that, in reality, there are times when it’s totally appropriate to ask for help.

Bear with me, bros; I’m getting to the point.

Maybe you’ve seen news articles about how hard this pandemic has hit a lot of small businesses. It turns out that is no exception. People are now super cautious about spending money on anything except for things they absolutely need, today. A subscription, as valuable as it can be in your life, is still not an urgent necessity. I totally get that.

On the bright side, I’m glad that I’ve been able to give so many of you a little distraction when you need it most. Almost everything that guys can do with seekBromance they can do for free. But even free stuff costs me a little money. The hosting, the email lists, the cybersecurity: there are a lot of recurring charges to deal with.

Not to mention, the mission of seekBromance has always been to become the internet’s largest database of guys looking for more guy friends. The only way to get there is to keep advertising almost continuously, and that’s not cheap either.

I’m not giving up, because it’s not in my nature to give up. However, I do have an ask.

If you’ve been enjoying your membership on seekBromance, I’d like you to show your support by purchasing a monthly subscription, or even a yearly subscription. Or, if you think that messaging other bros on the site is not for you, but you still like the rest of what you’ve seen, you might want to consider a small donation. Every penny I collect through this drive will go directly to the site’s expenses, I promise you that.

Happy virtual bromancing, guys!

-The Blog Dude

Stay home for Bro-cial Distancing

Hey bros,

Just to make sure everyone understands this “stay at home” situation, I want to give you a little more detail.

NOTE: These guidelines are valid in most jurisdictions, but you should always check the official sources before taking action.

  • No matter what your situation, you don’t have to be indoors 24/7. You can and should take your dog for a walk, or go out on a walk by yourself around the block or around the property. We all need a little fresh air. Just don’t get in your car or on your bike to go riding around.
  • You’re allowed to pick up prescriptions.
  • You’re allowed to go to the supermarket to buy groceries. It’s a good idea to plan your menus at least 2 weeks out, so that you don’t have to shop in person often. It’s also a good idea to shop alone.
  • You can get takeout from restaurants, although delivery is better.
  • You can visit family members who live nearby and who need any assistance.
  • Other than that, stay at home really DOES mean “stay at home,” bros!

Remember, those of us with essential jobs who don’t get to work from home are counting on the rest of us.

-The Blog Dude

Ideas For Virtual Male Bonding

Hey bros,

Now that so many of us are stuck at home, we’re temporarily unable to participate in most of the usual male bonding activities. In the last article, I gave you guys some suggestions about how to use in particular to help get around this issue. This time I’m going to share some ideas about what you and your buds can do over a simple video conference link. They all take a little advance planning, but hopefully you and your bros will find them worthwhile.

  • Movie marathon by streaming. The idea here is for everyone to watch, for example, a Netflix movie while keeping your video call open at the same time, so that you can talk about the action in the same way you would if you were all watching from the same living room. Sync up your start times, and you’re good to go!
  • Eating delivered food. Again, the idea is for everyone to get delivery from the same restaurant, or maybe different restaurants from the same chain. Then have your teleconversation over food as well as drinks. It’s unlikely you can get everything delivered at the same time, so get something that you and your bros can keep warm until the final delivery is made.
  • Uh, yeah. . . play video games! To be honest, I’m not sure which games have the technical prowess to let a bunch of you play in the same virtual area and voice chat with one another at the same time, but chances are they exist.
  • A virtual drinking game. It’s up to you whether everyone needs to use the same size of glass and/or the same type of alcohol. Let’s face it: sharing gossip is a lot more fun over a few drinks, both for us and for the ladies. Be careful not to go too far overboard on this one, though. Drinking does weaken your immune system.
  • Repair broken gadgets. If it’s something you can hold up in front of your computer’s camera, your other bros might be able to help you fix it.

Want to share some of your own ideas on our Facebook page? Go ahead, help out your other bros. The more we help one another, the better we can get through this.

-The Blog Dude

Beat the Fear: Get Bro-cial Online

Hey dudes,

Where is your attention going these days?

If you’re stuck in a loop of boredom and fear, you’re definitely not alone, but it’s just about the worst place you can be right now.

Have you found yourself checking your phone, seeing a scary headline, reading a scary post, putting down your phone, and doing it all again?

When you get sucked into this cycle of fear, it paralyzes your motivation and makes you feel powerless.

Remember that you joined seekBromance because you understand the importance of having more guy friends, who can be supportive of their bros and at least take your mind off of the things that make you feel anxious. Sure, if you’re on lockdown/shelter-in-place, it won’t be possible to meet a new bro in person for a while, but their tons of other ways you can start building a bromance virtually:

  • Write in the blog that comes with your seekBromance account. It’s accessible only to other seekBromance members, so it’s an awesome opportunity to speak to a lot of guys who are in the same boat. Not to mention, writing in your blog (and commenting in other blogs) is absolutely free: you don’t need a paid subscription to do it.
  • Add some more photos to your brofile: it takes up to four. The main photo still has to be of your handsome face, but the others can be (almost) anything you want. Share some of that awesome scenery you saw on your last hike!
  • If you have a paid subscription, start reaching out to other members. There’s another article in this very blog about how to get started. If you’re on the fence about subscribing, I can honestly tell you that this is one of the best times to dive in. Right now, everyone is spending a lot more time online than they normally do, and that means a great opportunity for you to make a connection.
  • IF YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE after exchanging messages with someone, consider sharing just enough contact info so that you can talk on Skype or FaceTime (or even with just a phone call). This is a fantastic thing to do if you live alone, because we all need to hear someone talking directly to us.

The bottom line is this. Be prepared, and be safe, but don’t let the fear consume you.

Happy bromancing!

-The Blog Dude

An Important Update about Coronavirus by

Hey bros, takes the health and safety of our members very seriously. Now it’s even more top of mind amid concerns about the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). We are here to serve you, and we want to share information with you about staying safe.

Steps you can take

  • Don’t set up an in-person meeting if you’re sick, or if the bro you’re talking to is sick. Yes, it’s okay to ask.
  • Get into the habit of putting your inner elbow in front of your mouth if you cough or sneeze. Some people might freak out if you cough or sneeze on your hands when you’re in public.
  • Keep sanitary wipes with you, and clean off the part of a table where you might be putting down a beer, some food, or your hands.
  • Remember that this is temporary. There will be a vaccine in about a year, and by then people are likely to return to their old habits.

We place a high priority on keeping seekBromance members safe and well-informed while doing what we can to help minimize potential spread of the coronavirus.

Happy bromancing, and stay healthy!

-The Blog Dude

Changes in the seekBromance Website Design

Hi dudes,

By popular demand, I’ve decided to make a few cosmetic changes in the seekBromance website design: specifically to the layout and color schemes in the members’ area. Note that the blog and the apps will not be affected. The end result, it’s hoped, will be an interface that looks more modern, less retro, less cheesy, and easier to navigate. Sound good?

The upgrade will start soon, but the website content upgrade process is going to be done in stages over several days. It shouldn’t affect the site behavior, but if you do happen to find anything strange, don’t sweat it. Just come back the next day, and it will probably be fixed. I’ll make another announcement when all the website updates are done.

In other news, in case you’re curious, Alan and I are continuing to add more features to the Android app. The iPhone app is currently in the process of upgrading the in-app purchase feature, which unfortunately is taking longer than expected. If you want to subscribe, it’s probably better to do it from either the website or from the Android app, at least for now. If either one of these options gives you any trouble, by all means head for the support portal and open a ticket. (After all, we can’t fix problems that we don’t know exist!)

By the way, we mean it when we tell people that new members are coming on board all the time. And yes, we’re counting only the ones that fill out bro-files which are ultimately approved. So if you haven’t been back for a while because you couldn’t find other bros in your area, put it on your to-do list to check back again, at least once a month. You might be in for a surprise.

Meanwhile, happy bromancing!

-The Blog Dude

Suit Up, Bro!

Hey dudes,

One of the prices we all have to pay for being male in this society is that we all need a minimum of one dress suit. It doesn’t matter how much you love your ball cap and your flip flops; sooner or later you’re going to have to take that thing out of your closet and put it on. Depending on the places you normally go, you may even need multiple suits.

This can be more dangerous than you think, if your measurements are anything other than perfectly average. A suit that fits you well looks awesome, one that doesn’t will be a major source of embarrassment. For the rest of us, we need to know our measurements. If we shop online, we can even get custom tailoring before they ship. Here are the key areas where you need to judge the fit:

  • The Shoulders – the shoulder pads should lie flat and should never extend past your own shoulders. The seam where the jacket’s shoulder attaches to the sleeve should be exactly at the point where your arm meets your shoulder. Too high or too low is an obvious sign of a bad fit.
  • The Length of the Jacket – the back of the jacket should fall comfortably in a straight line, with the bottom edge draping over the top of the curve in your butt, and no lower than your knuckles when your arms are relaxed. The jacket should not flare at the back above the butt or fall past it and sag.
  • The Length of the Sleeve – neither the jacket sleeve nor the shirt sleeve should fall any lower than the base of your wrist. It’s customary to show about half an inch of the shirt beyond the jacket cuff.
  • The Waist – your jacket should fit closely around your stomach but not so tight that you have gaping around the buttons. You should be able to place your fist between yourself and the jacket.
  • The Pant Seat– The seat should not pull tight against your butt – you will notice horizontal strains under the buttocks if this is the case. If it drapes loosely down the backs of your thighs – you will notice gathered material.
  • The Pant Break – this is the point where your pant leg touches your shoe. The cuff should rest on the top of your shoe but not much lower: trousers that are too long will look sloppy.

Of course, you’ll actually need some numbers when you give your measurements to the nice people in the online store. So what’s the right way to actually take all these measurements? Got you covered:

  • Neck – Measure around your neck at the level your shirt collar would sit. You should not feel restricted by the measuring tape if you want a comfortable fit. 
  • Shoulders – Measure from the end of your left shoulder to the end of your right shoulder. 
  • Chest – Measure horizontally around the chest roughly at nipple level, under the armpits, and over your shoulder blades. 
  • Waist – Measure horizontally around your stomach at the level of the bottom of the ribcage. 
  • Seat – Measure around your butt at its widest point. 
  • Sleeve Length – Measure from where the seams on the shoulder meet to where you want the sleeve to end. Use a shirt that you already have as a guide.
  • Inseam – Measure from the lowest part of the crotch of your pants, keeping the measure taut, down to where you want the bottom of the trousers to end. Use pants that you already have as a guide.
  • Height – Measure parallel from the top of your head to the floor.

Happy suiting up, bros!

-The Blog Dude

3 Steps to Being a Better Bro

Will making new friends with a good dude help you become a better bro? Yes, absolutely…but there’s a catch. He has to believe that you can help HIM become a better bro, too. If you’re not used to being helpful and positive, this could be an issue. So what steps can you take on your own to being better?

First things first: don’t fall for the con artists and other social predators. Unfortunately, they’re everywhere: religion, politics, and private business. They happen to be great psychologists, which is what makes them so dangerous. They know that life is hard, and that being an adult is hard. That’s why most people are so desperate for someone or something they can believe in. These people tell you that, in exchange for your money or your vote, they can fix everything for you. Trouble is, buying into their movement doesn’t help you at all: it just causes more problems.

The next step to being a better bro is always to show courtesy and kindness. To other bros, to sisters, and to anyone else. It doesn’t matter if you’re an alpha male or a beta male. Alphas don’t have to be psychos, and betas don’t have to be doormats. Also, stay away from hate. Hate does nothing for you except to make you unattractive. Yes, there are those who want to harm you, but hating them just saps your own energy. Just keep them away from you.

Lastly, you should not only give top priority to your own dreams (not your parents’ or your teachers’), but much more importantly, you have to organize and work on your dreams. When you have no idea how to achieve a dream, it can only be a source of disappointment. Dreams can be divided into goals, and goals can be broken into tasks. Plan it all out like a school project or a business project. Get one of those to-do apps for your phone to make sure you stay on track. Is it work? Hell yes. But it’s work to improve you, dude, and nobody else is going to do that. But if you have a good support network of bros, you can use them as sources of ideas for working on and improving your plan.

Happy bromancing!

-The Blog Dude

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