Bros before hos? It depends.

The motto “bros before hos” has been around a while, but these days it’s probably most associated with Barney Stinson, from How I Met Your Mother, and his Bro Code. Like all stereotypes and exaggerations, there is some truth to it. After all, you can’t realistically expect to keep close guy friends if you spontaneously ditch them every time any woman smiles at you in public.

Of course, if it’s your wife on the other end of the cell phone connection, she definitely has to come first (no pun intended, you barely-contained horn dogs). That’s what marriage is all about. With any other woman, it’s pretty much your call either way. If she can’t respect the fact that you need space as much as she does, then she’s not worth it: nothing else matters.

I’ll leave you with Mr. Stinson’s reading of the first part of the Bro Code, because, in my opinion Neil Patrick Harris is not at all a bad actor.

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YouTube Direct– Barney reads the Bro Code
