Tag Archives: mbti

Myers, Briggs, and Your Bro

Hey dudes!

Let’s face it, a bromance takes work. There will be times when you and your bro have disagreements over more than just stupid crap, mostly because of the differences between the two of you. No matter how much you have in common with him, he’s a different guy, and therefore his mental wiring is going to be a little different from your own.

Probably one of the best-known personality tools is the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, or MBTI. The results are 4-letter acronyms, showing things like introversion vs extroversion, thinking vs feeling, and so on. Plenty of counselors and psychologists use this tool, and an official online version is available (along with many unofficial ones).

When you and your bro have some time to kill, consider taking this test. Knowing your bro’s personality type lets you see that he’s not just nuts; he simply has a different way of ‘being’ from your way. You and your bro will be less likely to assume that one of you is ‘right’ and the other is ‘wrong.’ Best of all, the information you get from a personalized MBTI can help you develop communication, leadership, and career management skills.

Happy bromancing!

-The Blog Dude
